Author, Artist & CampAIGNER
Lucinda Parker Roberts
Lucinda is a campaigner for a change in the law to presumed consent and increased education about organ transplants in schools. She has written two childrens books, and one novel which she is looking to publish through Crowdfunding this year.
Blog News
Dating Post-Transplant
Dating post-transplant can be challenging. Not only are we battling the confusion of the tech of dating apps and multiple conversations, but if we don’t present ourselves as ‘ideal candidates’ in those first few messages, we will be be unmatched or blocked. On top of that, if we do get as far as starting to see someone regularly, we will be thwarted by our health and the resulting lifestyles dictated by our health condition that we lead, in terms of trying to see and get to know someone better.
Blocked – Blocked on Social Media
Getting ‘blocked’ is never nice, but what if you are in recovery? Cognitively impaired, and sometimes struggle with understanding social situations?
That’s something I live with – but also the horrible realisation that I can’t go back in time and heal the wounds I might have caused when as a sick person I wasn’t in my right mind.
Crowdfunding has started!
This year I am crowdfunding to raise money to get my first children’s book, ‘Lucy’s Liver Transplant – A Story About Organ Donation’ into print. It is currently available on the Kindle and translated into eight languages; it’s my way of trying to improve education about organ donation and also, in a small way, to pay tribute to my organ donor and her family.
By Lucinda Parker Roberts
Lucy’s Liver Transplant
Children’s Book
Organ transplants are something most children will never encounter. But when they do, discussing this sensitive subject can be overwhelming, but with this beautifully illustrated
Speaking At Events
Speaking At Events
In non-pandemic conditions Lucinda is available to speak at schools to share her story and talk about how her books came about.
In 2019 she visited Prior’s Field, her old school and spoke to the girls about what it was like to receive a life changing diagnosis and be on the organ transplant waiting list.
“Lucinda is an old girl of Prior’s Field and we were delighted to welcome her back to school. She shared the story of her amazing journey of sickness and recovery with our pupils in an honest and heartfelt way. As a fellow transplant recipient, sharing positive messages about transplant successes is so important to the education of our young people. Lucinda also explained the organ donation system, addressed the stigma of thinking about our own mortality and certainly left our pupils with lots to think about and debate. A truly inspiring talk and I recommend that all schools take a bold step and bring this subject to the attention of their students.”
Andrew Taylor, Deputy Head, Prior’s Field School.
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Lucinda Parker Roberts
Writer, artist, adventurer.
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