I spent 17 years waiting for the operation that I thought would save my life and cure me of my autoimmune disease, autoimmune hepatitis type 2. What I didn’t realise, was that when my consultant so many years ago said to me that my disease was incurrable, that was exactly what he meant. While I thought that when my liver failed and was replaced a new organ would be accepted by the body I was confused and naive to just how ferocious autoimmune diseases are.

Years later as my first liver is rejected by my body, my doctors are trying to balance my immune suppressants so as to find a way for inflammation to be reduced. It now becomes apparent that they are not looking to treat the cause, only the symptoms of my illness. My illness, in their eyes, is not curable and therefore is sidelined. I have never once met a doctor who has tried to ascertain what is causing my body to attack my liver. Instead, I have seen Doctors who have been trying to clear up the mess it makes as it attacks me.

For them, ahead of me lies a lifetime on strong immune suppressants, which alongside a recipe of horrible side effects suppress my immune system so that it does not reject my new organ. However, by reducing this defence shield, I am left wide open to other infections and have to take antibiotics when things don’t heal or I get sick. One day these will stop working. What happens then?

When I mentioned to my doctor about having various tests to see if there were any levels of vitamins or markers in my system, she looked amused.

The medical profession can’t condone what isn’t proven and the NHS is built on it’s relationship with pharmacutical companies.

If I want to try and fix myself, this will be my own battle, at my own cost.

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If I don’t try and investigate what’s going on inside me, and try and at least if nothing else, reduce the inflammation increasing markers in my body I am headed most likely towards either a lifetime of this aggressive medication or worst case scenario another transplant.

What I do not want to do, is be fifty, and thinking, “I wonder what would have happened if…”

Life is too short for regrets, so if the NHS can’t help me I will need to help myself.

First stop is functional medicine and reading up on Autoimmune Fix books. Watch this space to follow my journey furhter.

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