I am sick. The sort of sick you get when your immune system is suppressed, and your body hates your liver. Yes. I felt on Tuesday like I had been hit by a truck. This cold had begun to creep in on Monday morning, that hazy, fuzzy not right feeling and by Monday evening I knew I was sick. As Tuesday continued, I prepared myself to write off Wednesday and the rest of the week. It’s happened before. The bug finds you, you feel it settling in, almost nesting and then the symptoms start to develop and feel my limited strength deteriorating further to the point bed is my only option.
However, this time I wasn’t going to go down with a fight!
A chicken soup recipe in the Guardian with pappardelle instead of noodles inspired me to look up authentic original recipes that had mentions of the health benefits. One recipe I stumbled upon included a suggestion in the foreword to having slices of garlic in honey every few hours if you felt you were getting sick, and despite my fears, I knew I had to try this too.
My father made the soup for me, exactly as the recipe specified, but I did add in some extra pappardelle that was in the fridge as I was inspired by the recipe. The resulting soup was full of interesting healthy looking ingredients and the chunks of chicken breast were so wholesome. Although many might seem my illness as a curse, there are many blessings to it. Two of them are; Firstly, I rarely look as sick as I am; and secondly, because I can’t live alone I am now back living with my family and my father is an incredible chef. I really am spoilt by his cooking, and although my parents had other food plans, he still took time out of his meal to make the soup for me.
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